Solitary and intrapersonal

“Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum,, offers a complete curriculum for grades 7-12 in 3 different formats: Print, Digital, Audio Compatible, that serve all of the Learning Styles and Intelligences students may have. PACWorks is the most flexible and all-encompassing curriculum available. Visit the website and see how PACWorks can help your student achieve academic satisfaction and success!”

Royalwood for Kinesthetic Learners

Basket weaving is an ideal activity for kinesthetic learners. The manual dexterity required to become a satisfied weaver of various materials is important for many other activities – typing, cooking, sports, to name a few. Basket weaving also promotes calmness and relaxation, which improves overall health and well-being. An imaginative parent can integrate academic thought into basket weaving, too, by planning,, organizing and counting the material in preparation for the weaving project, etc.